European Urban Planning at the Turn of the 20th Century
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava, Slovakia
21st of June 2022

The conference focuses on past urban planning and sustainable management of historic urban spaces, presenting the latest research into European city planning at the turn of the 20th century and emphasising what cities along the Danube were practising. The aim is to inspire good urban practices by sharing knowledge of planning history. Conference papers will be published digitally after the conference.
The conference is part of ARTNOUVEAU2, an international project within the Danube Transnational Programme Interreg and co-funded by the European Union through ERDF and IPA II.
Keynote speakers of the conference:
Prof. Dr. Eve Blau, Professor of the History and Theory of Urban Form and Design and Director of Research, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Dr. Ing. Carola Hein, Professor and Head of the History of Architecture and Urban Planning, TU Delft
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ákos Moravánszky, Professor emeritus, ETH Zürich, Institut gta
The official conference language will be English, meaning that keynotes, sessions, and digital proceedings published after the conference will all be in that language. There will be no simultaneous translation.
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts should be sent to
They should be no more than 300 words (excluding title and authors’ information) and submitted in English. The title, author’s name, affiliation, author’s email, and keywords should be mentioned in the abstract
Acceptance of Abstracts:
Submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by members of the Programme Committee. Receipt of completed abstracts will be acknowledged by email as soon as they are submitted. The Programme Committee reserves the right to determine how an abstract will be accepted.
Extended deadline for abstracts: 31st March 2022
Notification of acceptance: by 12th April 2022
Registration deadline: 31st May 2022. All attendees must register online via:
Deadline for submission of the full paper: 21st June 2022, the day of the conference.
Members of the Programme Committee:
prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková, FAD STU
prof. Ing. arch. Jana Pohaničová, PhD., FAD STU
doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, PhD., FAD STU
Mgr. Peter Szalay, PhD., Institute of History of SAS
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
Conference contact: Nina Bartošová /