Digital catalog Art Nouveau

In December 2022, the activities of the international project Art Nouveau 2 ended. Art Nouveau 2 is an international project, which is supported by the Danube Transnational Program Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on common heritage of Art Nouveau. For three years, the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the STU in Bratislava was a partner of the mentioned project, whose activities contributed to the recognition of the cultural heritage of Art Nouveau in not only the Danube region. One of the main outputs was the Art Nouveau digital catalog, which is available on the website of the National Institute of Heritage Romania (The National Institute of Heritage Romania, lead partner) from October 2022.

The editors of the Slovak part of the digital catalog under the leadership of Jana Pohaničová (Patrik Baxa and Veronika Vaňová, FAD STUBA) cooperated with memory institutions with regional and national scope (AMB, MMB, PÚ SR, etc.) with the aim of creating a unique collection of Art Nouveau sources related to Art Nouveau architecture and art. They created a common platform for research, which will become a source of information not only for international project partners, but also for domestic researchers and the wider professional community, including stakeholders and those interested in Art Nouveau cultural heritage.

The Art Nouveau Digital Catalog can be accessed at:

The catalog is part of the Slovak participation in the ARTNOUVEAU2 project within the Danube Transnational Program Interreg scheme co-financed by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II). The Slovak partner of the project is the Faculty of Architecture and Design of STU in Bratislava.

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