Cool Nouveau
From city ring to ornamentation / Od mestského ringu k ornamentu
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava, Slovakia
May 30 - June 21, 2022

Henrieta Moravčíková
Architecture and design:
Monika Bočková, Mária Novotná, Paulína Ebringerová
The exhibition presents Art Nouveau in Bratislava as a Gesamtkunstwerk embracing urban concepts, architecture and the artistic embellishments characteristic of the era. It concentrates particularly on the phenomenon of the Ringstraße and other ring roads whose construction had an impact on the architectural designs selected for the buildings along them, whose shape and typology best reflect contemporary trends. The details and ornamentation characterized in the smallest scale the Art Nouveau from the final decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.